Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bye Bye Mickey D's

An article, titled "San Francisco Too Expensive for McDonald's?," posted yesterday on, gave stats for the closing of multiple McDonald's restaurants in San Francisco in the mission, on Van Ness, and a planned closing of one next to AT&T park. 

The billion dollar franchise is apparently unable to afford rent in SF commercial buildings as owners of said buildings push rent up to kick business out in favor of residential housing.

Reading articles like this make my mind go in circles thinking: If business is kicked out for residents, then luxury condos are made, then only upper middle class and higher income levels can live there, and then there's a high demand for restaurants and retail stores, but since there are so many condos, and so little business, there will be too high of a demand and too little supply and everyone is like "awwww what happened to all the culture I we moved out here to experience???"

It is a positive feedback system that I feel like will only destroy itself. If huge corporations are being fazed out of SF what chances would a locally-owned small business have?

Rant over.

What are your guys' thoughts?


  1. i agree, it's a positive feedback loop that isn't going to work over time. san francisco's economy is becoming extremely skewed in an unsustainable way. that being said, down with mcdonalds!

  2. I know McDonalds has also closed at least 900 stores nationwide. While I'm sure the expensive rent in San Fransisco has a lot to do with why they closed their doors, I think that there is a slow shift that is happening across the US were people are realizing that maybe McDonald's isn't the best place to eat. Now, eating healthy is actually "cool", kind of a weird transition but I applaud it nonetheless.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If McDonalds cant afford rent in SF that must be saying something about the high cost of living in San Francisco. I just read a blog post in which parking structures from AT&T Park are being made into fancy condos. Leave SF the way it is! there will be no hype if all SF becomes is an industrial suburb.
